Wow, FOUR nominations for The Deepest Breath…
Best Documentary Feature
Best Cinematography
Best Score
Best Sports Documentary
You can see the full list here
Raw TV is committed to protecting your privacy. This page sets out our privacy policy and explains how your personal information (meaning any information about you which is personally identifiable like your name, address, telephone number or email address, generally referred to throughout this policy as “personal information”) will be used.
This privacy policy only applies to the collection of your personal information by us and the use of that personal information by us and those whom we authorise in relation to our casting processes.
Any reference to “we”, “us” and “our” is to Raw TV. Any reference to “you” or “your”, means you as someone who has sent information to us, either by submitting information via our casting page, email, letter or during a phone call about potentially being cast to take part in one of our programmes.
By contacting us and providing us with your personal information, you accept the terms of this casting privacy policy. Please note that we may update and amend the privacy policy from time to time and any changes will be posted here. If you do not agree with any of our casting privacy policy then you should not provide us with any information.
When you contact us about taking part in one of our programmes, for example in response to an advert, a flyer or other Raw communication, personal information may be collected by us.
Your personal information may be used by us in considering your application for casting purposes for any of our programmes, developments or other related content.
Please let us know if your contact details change or you no longer want to be considered to take part in any of our programmes.
We do not collect or use cookies. We do like to eat them though.
We will only share your personal information with our production teams, colleagues at Raw TV and the broadcaster or financier of any of our programmes and/or agents involved in casting and producing any of our programmes.
We do not pass on or sell your personal information to third parties.
We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information store it confidentially other than sharing it as we state above.
We will delete all information held by us if you notify us below that you no longer want to be considered to take part in any of our programmes.
If you have any concerns contact us on +44 (0)207 456 0800
We do not accept unsolicited programme ideas
The casting form is for casting only. We don’t accept unsolicited programme ideas, so please don’t send us any.