
'Abortion on Trial: a pioneering documentary'

Ellie Harrison – Radio Times

The former Weakest Link presenter hosts a passionate debate about abortion in which people listen to and respect other people’s points of view – a rare thing in 2017, writes Ellie Harrison.

There are few topics as delicate or contentious today as abortion. From Donald Trump’s global gag rule, which sparked international outrage earlier this year, to Ireland’s forthcoming referendum on whether to repeal its abortion ban in 2018, it is one of the most polarising issues of our time.

It is quite a feat, therefore, to bring together nine people with conflicting views on abortion – eight of whom have had the procedure – and host an insightful discussion that doesn’t result in a shouting match. But Anne Robinson has triumphed in doing just that with her new BBC2 documentary: Abortion on Trial.

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Abortion Act, Robinson – who had an abortion herself many years ago – invited the group of eight women and one man to spend a weekend at her Gloucestershire home and discuss whether the 1967 law is fit for purpose in 2017.

You can check out the rest of the review here…