Should your family business be the star of our next tv show?

Apply Now

The makers of Discovery Channel’s GOLD RUSH and HOMESTEAD RESCUE are looking for hard working American families running their own businesses who have what it takes to feature in a TV show for a major US broadcaster.

Please send us a short video or email explaining why you and your family business would make great TV?

  • Please upload photos or a video. 200MB. If your file is larger than this, contact us on and we'll arrange another method of transfer.

    If you want to personalise your application please send us a 2-minute video explaining why you are interested in taking part in this programme. If you are recording a new video on your camera phone for us, please hold the phone on its side, so your video is recording in LANDSCAPE. (not portrait).

    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: mov, mp4, jpg, png, gif, Max. file size: 100 MB.
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